package com.blogspot.howdoidothatinjava.tutorials; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Predicate; import; import com.blogspot.howdoidothatinjava.sandbox.TestObject; public class ObjectTest { private final static String under = "*"; public static void main(String[] args) { List<TestObject> objList = TestObject.generateTestObjectList(); println("Objects in the list:", under); println(); for (TestObject t: objList){ t.displayObject(); } println(); //Ex. 1 - Hardcoded Result println("Ex. 1: Hardcoded Result", under); println(); println("TestObject with a > 20 (hardcoded)"); println(); printObjectsWithAGreaterThanTwenty(objList); println(); //Ex. 2 - Parameterized Range println("Ex. 2 - Parameterized Range", under); println(); println("TestObject with b between 10 and 70 inclusive"); println(); printObjectsWithBInRange(objList, 10, 70, Inclusivity.BOTH); println(); //Ex. 3 - Use of Local Class println("Ex. 3 - Use of Local Class", under); println(); println("TestObject with starting with 'S' and a*3 <= b"); println(); class TestObjectForNameAndRange implements TestObjectValidator { public boolean test(TestObject t) { return t.getName().startsWith("S") && t.getA() * 3 <= t.getB(); } } printTestObjects(objList, new TestObjectForNameAndRange()); println(); //Ex. 4 - Use of Anonymous Class println("Ex. 4 - Use of Anonymous Class", under); println(); println("TestObject with starting with 'S' and a*3 <= b"); println(); printTestObjects(objList, new TestObjectValidator() { public boolean test(TestObject t) { return t.getName().startsWith("S") && t.getA() * 3 <= t.getB(); } }); println(); //Ex. 5 - Use of Lambda println("Ex. 5 - Use of Lambda", under); println(); println("TestObject with starting with 'S' and a*3 <= b"); println(); printTestObjects(objList, (TestObject t)->t.getName().startsWith("S") && t.getA() * 3 <= t.getB()); println(); //Ex. 6 - Use of Predicate in place of Lambda println("Ex. 6 - Use of Predicate in place of Lambda", under); println(); println("TestObject with name containing 's', case insensitive"); println(); printTestObjectsWithPredicate(objList, t -> t.getName().toLowerCase().contains("s")); println(); //Ex. 7 - Use of Predicate and Consumer Lambda println("Ex. 7 - Use of Predicate and Consumer Lambda", under); println(); println("TestObject with name ending in 'y', case insensitive"); println(); printTestObjectWithPredicateAndConsumer(objList, t -> t.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith("y"), t -> t.displayObject()); println(); //Ex. 8 - Use of Predicate, Function and Consumer println("Ex. 8 - Use of Predicate, Function and Consumer", under); println(); println("TestObject name where a >= b"); println(); printTestObjectWithPredicateFunctionAndConsumer(objList, t->t.getA() >= t.getB(), t -> t.getName(), name -> println(name)); println(); //Ex. 9 - Use of Generics To Add Further Flexibility println("Ex. 9 - Use of Generics To Add Further Flexibility", under); println(); println("TestObject name where a < b"); println(); processObjects(objList, t -> t.getA() < t.getB(), t -> t.getName(), name -> println("TestOblject (" + name + ")")); println(); //Ex. 10 - Use of Generics to Process Objects and Return Result Collection println("Ex. 10 - Use of Generics to Process Objects and Return Result Collection", under); println(); println("TestObject count of names matched where a < b"); println(); List<String> results = processObjects(objList, t -> t.getA() < t.getB(), t -> t.getName()); println("The number of results in List returned was " + results.size()); println(); //Ex. 11 - Use of Bulk Data Methods to Repeat Results in Ex. 10 println("Ex. 11 - Use of Bulk Data Methods to Repeat Results in Ex. 10", under); println(); println("TestObject count of names matched where a < b"); println(); results.clear(); results = -> t.getA() < t.getB()).map(t -> t.getName()).collect(Collectors.toList()); println("The number of results in List returned was " + results.size()); println(); //Ex. 12 - Use of Bulk Data Method Without Temporary Collection println("Ex. 12 - Use of Bulk Data Method Without Temporary Collection", under); println(); println("TestObject count of predicate results to achieve same result as in Ex. 10 & Ex. 11"); println(); println("The number of results found in filter was: " +> t.getA() < t.getB()).count()); println(); //Rx. 13 - Use of Named Predicates as Variables println("Rx. 13 - Use of Named Predicates as Variables", under); println(); println("Use of named Predicate to get range where b > 10 and b < 35"); println(); Predicate<TestObject> p1 = t -> t.getB() > 10 && t.getB() < 35; processGenericObjects(objList, p1, t -> t.displayObject()); println(); println("Use of second named predicate to find names containing 'er'"); println(); Predicate<TestObject> p2 = t -> t.getName().toLowerCase().contains("er"); processGenericObjects(objList, p2, t -> println("TestObject (" + t.getName() + ")")); println(); //Ex. 14 - Use of Named Consumer to Customize Print Formatting println("Ex. 14 - Use of Named Consumer to Customize Print Formatting", under); println(); println("Print TestObjects where name contains 'a' using named Consumer using TestObject's displayObject()"); println(); Consumer<TestObject> printStandard = t -> t.displayObject(); processGenericObjects(objList, t -> t.getName().toLowerCase().contains("a"), printStandard); println(); println("Print TestObjects where name contains 'a' using named Consumer using different print function"); println(); Consumer<TestObject> otherPrintFormat = t -> displayOtherFormat(t); processGenericObjects(objList, t -> t.getName().toLowerCase().contains("a"), otherPrintFormat); } private static void printObjectsWithAGreaterThanTwenty(List<TestObject> list) { // get each element in the colection and display it based on criteria for(TestObject t : list){ if (t.getA() > 20) t.displayObject(); } } private static void printObjectsWithBInRange(List<TestObject> list, int low, int high, Inclusivity rule) { for(TestObject t : list){ switch (rule){ case BOTH: if(t.getB() >= low && t.getB() <= high) t.displayObject(); break; case END: if(t.getB() > low && t.getB() <= high) t.displayObject(); break; case START: if(t.getB() >= low && t.getB() < high) t.displayObject(); break; case NONE: if(t.getB() > low && t.getB() < high) t.displayObject(); } } } private static void printTestObjects(List<TestObject> list, TestObjectValidator validator){ for(TestObject t : list){ if (validator.test(t)) t.displayObject(); } } private static void printTestObjectsWithPredicate(List<TestObject> list, Predicate<TestObject> filter){ for(TestObject t : list){ if(filter.test(t)) t.displayObject(); } } private static void printTestObjectWithPredicateAndConsumer(List<TestObject> list, Predicate<TestObject> filter, Consumer<TestObject> voidFunction) { for (TestObject t : list){ if(filter.test(t)) voidFunction.accept(t); } } private static void printTestObjectWithPredicateFunctionAndConsumer(List<TestObject> list, Predicate<TestObject> filter, Function<TestObject,String> mapper, Consumer<String> voidFunction){ for (TestObject t : list){ if(filter.test(t)) { String out = mapper.apply(t); voidFunction.accept(out); } } } private static <T, U> void processObjects(Iterable<T> collection, Predicate<T> filter, Function<T, U> mapper, Consumer<U> voidFunction){ for(T t : collection){ if(filter.test(t)){ U u = mapper.apply(t); voidFunction.accept(u); } } } private static <T, U> List<U> processObjects(Iterable<T> collection, Predicate<T> filter, Function<T,U> mapper){ List<U> uList = new ArrayList<U>(); for(T t : collection){ if (filter.test(t)){ uList.add(mapper.apply(t)); } } return uList; } private static <T> void processGenericObjects(Collection<T> collection, Predicate<T> criteria, Consumer<T> voidFunction){; } private static void displayOtherFormat(TestObject t){ println("\tTestObject (" + t.getName() + ")"); println("\t\ta: " + t.getA()); println("\t\tb: " + t.getB()); println(); } // Functional Interfaces interface TestObjectValidator { boolean test(TestObject t); } // Methods out of pure laziness private static void println(){ println(null); } private static void println(String out){ println(out, null); } private static void println(String out, String under){ if (null == out) { System.out.println(); } else { System.out.println(out); if(null != under && !under.isEmpty()){ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); while (out.length() > 0){ sb.append(under); out = out.substring(1); } System.out.println(sb.toString()); } } } private enum Inclusivity { START, END, BOTH, NONE } }
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